Brain Hemorrhage:

Brain Hemorrhage:

A brain haemorrhage is type of bleeding in brain. This condition is also referred to brain bleed or intracranial haemorrhage. It is medical emergency necessitates immediate attention.
The skull protects brain and any leaking blood from haemorrhage can cause brain tissue compression and damage.

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or bursts, causing bleeding.
Excessive bleeding can cause such severe compression that oxygen-rich blood cannot reach brain tissue. A lack of oxygen in the brain can cause swelling, also known as cerebral oedema.
Pooled blood from a bleed can also form a mass called a hematoma.

Brain Hemorrhage

Causes of Bleeding in the Brain:

Brain haemorrhages are caused by a variety of risk actors. The most common are:

Trauma to head

Injury is the most common cause of brain bleeding in people under age of 50.

Blood Pressure that is too high.

This chronic condition has the potential to weaken blood vessel walls over time. Untreated high blood pressure is a major cause of preventable brain hemorrhage.


This is a swollen blood vessel wall that is weakening. It has potential to burst and bleed into brain, resulting in a stroke.
Anomalies of the blood vessels

(Malformations of the Arteriovenous System) Weaknesses in the blood vessels in and around the brain may exist at birth but are not diagnosed until symptoms appear.

Amyloid angiopathy.

This is a blood vessel wall abnormality that occurs occasionally.

Symptoms of brain hemorrhage

Symptoms of a brain bleed may include:
A severe or sudden headacheArm or leg weakness, tingling, or numbness (usually on one side)nauseousness or vomitingVision shifts and balance shiftsDifficulties communicating or understanding speechProblems with fine motor skillsSeizuresConsciousness lossIf you have symptoms of a brain haemorrhage, contact your doctor or 911 immediately.

Brain hemorrhage diagnosis:

Because brain hemorrhages can be fatal, immediate medical attention as well as prolonged rehabilitation are needed. Diabetes is one of the numerous illnesses that can raise the risk.

Wearing protAs does, however, come with health risks. As with any issue, it’s crucial to schedule regular checkups with your physician to assess hereditary and lifestyle variables that may increase your chance of brain bleeds. Schedule a meeting at LiveWell to talk about your symptoms and create a plan for a potential diagnosis of brain hemorrhage.

Your doctor will initially inquire about your symptoms in order to diagnose a brain bleed. They will then set out to find the bleeding source. Your doctor might prescribe an MRI, CT scan, or one of the following tests to accomplish this:
angiography: A catheter is placed during an angiography.


If there is significant brain bleeding, surgery can be required. To reduce some of the pressure on the brain, surgeons may perform surgery.
In the event that ruptured cerebral aneurysm results in bleeding a surgeon may excise portion of the skull and cut artery. We refer to this technique as craniotomy.
Anti-anxiety and anti-epileptic medications as well as other medications to reduce symptoms including seizures and excruciating headaches are additional therapy possibilities.
After a brain hemorrhage, people can recover but it is critical that they get right care as quickly as possible. After brain hemorrhage, rehabilitation might aid in a person’s adjustment to life again.
Treatment for rehabilitation entails:
1: exercise therapy
2: speech treatment
3: employment medicine
4: Modifications to lifestyle to reduce the chance of further bleeding


Because brain hemorrhages can be fatal, immediate medical attention as well as prolonged rehabilitation are needed. Diabetes is one of the numerous illnesses that can raise the risk.

On the other hand, a healthy, active, smoke-free lifestyle and wearing protection during activities like cycling that increase the risk of traumatic brain injury can lower the chance of brain hemorrhage.

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